Annnd… We’re Back

Okay, with all that renovation kerfuffle out of the way, I'm happy to get the mastering underway once again; I'll be chasing up those of you who've been in touch during the downtime, and have organised a schedule to catch up with this.

Meanwhile, I'm currently working on a remix for The Collectors (featuring Benet Walsh, co-writer of a few tunes of mine that made their way onto the Death of an Aura EP, with more to follow). It'll be a digital-only release at some point in the first quarter of 2009, I think.

Also, watch this space for a new vinyl EP release, being manufactured as we speak. It's been too long since I've had something out on vinyl, so I'm pretty giddy about getting my mits on it. I don't even have a turntable at the moment... okay so I just want to lick the vinyl---what's wrong with that?

© 2002–2024 Christopher Leary
Header image: Understory cover art, by Guy Warley.