You might have noticed a few changes to the site of late, as I've just updated Wordpress to the new 2.5 version, which includes a whole host of updates on the admin side of things to make my life a little easier. Cosmetically though, there are few changes, although you'll have noticed the addition of Gravatars to the comments section.
For the uninitiated, Gravatars are 'Globally Recognised Avatars', and exist to make it easier for us to have a uniform identity across the net (the avatar equivalent of OpenID, if you will). It will become quickly apparent, by the dearth of avatars in my comments section, that this is very much A New Thing, and has yet to catch on within the online world (although I have noticed one or two commenters have caught on already).
So, if you fancy procuring a Gravatar, all you need is an email address to sign up and associate an avatar with and you're all set (you can assign multiple emails with different avatars).
Continuing the theme of updates, I've tweaked and tinkered with the download store, mainly to a) reduce the number of tracks I have to tend to, and b) by popular request, arrange the downloads into more manageable album-sized chunks, with the option of buying individual albums separately.
The previously 'orphaned' tracks are now separated into three volumes, imaginatively titled I, II and III (yes, I did take a pinch of inspiration from the recent NIN release), and are now approximately grouped chronologically (by completion date, rather than upload date). Each album is about 45 mins long, and will cost you just £2 (~$4---yep, I've switched currencies, allowing me to accept Google Checkout now too!).
Finally, I've also provided each release in 320kbps and FLAC formats, as a single purchase, to save you having to pick which format when buying. You'll get links to separate zips of each format emailed to you---just choose which you'd like to download.